Why play Granado Espada?


For one, I wouldn't let my Granado Babies blog about this one since it needs my own personal point of view.

A lot of people in-game and in real life have been asking me why I chose to play Granado Espada - considering the fact that I am a 20-year-old girl who just graduated college.

Well, I think the girl issue is more prominent here :D


I come to tell all of you that I have been a gamer since err, Family Computer. lolx.

Kidding aside, I have been fond of RPGs with great storylines and stories of hatred and love and romance and vengeance. Yes, the Final Fantasy Series.

I first played Final Fantasy 7 in the old and first Playstation (yes, the gray one?) and I fell in love since then. I cried when Aeris died. I swooned over Tifa & Cloud. I fell in love with the story of Sephiroth and everybody else. I laughed at Cait Sith. Argh.

So Final Fantasy 8 came and I fell in love even more. So sorry but, I love Squall's and Rinoa's love story that I still remember when I came to Disc 3 wherein Rinoa got stuck in space and had to press eject, I cried because of two things. 1. I didn't want her to die and 2. our PS' lens broke.

I waited a year or even more and played again. Over the PC. Woot~ finally.

I must admit FF8 was my very much loved Final Fantasy. I loved Eyes on Me :)

Next was FF9 - I played it over our PC too. Thanks to PS Emulators. Although I was irritated seeing kids (Zidane and Dagger, LOL) running around like crazy, I still had a good laugh and I still loved the FF series. Memories of Life, remember? :)

FF10~ whoa. Now we had our PS2. Haha. Bro and I wasted like 4 to 5 DVDs of FFX because it breaks - don't ask me why, duh. LOL. Yup, I fell in love with Yuna and Tidus too, and this was probably the FF that I've had the OST. Haha. So I know, by heart, the lyrics of Suteki Da ne (Isn't It Wonderful?)

Then FFX2 - who would've thought that Charlie's Angels would be crossed to FFX? Woot~ hahaha. Don't you just love Yuna's Trigger Happy? XD

I skipped FFXI. Sorry :D

FFXII - I came back with Vaan, Ashe and everyone else. The city of Rabanastre, kingdom of Dalmasca~ sigh. Such great graphics. Really :) I wasn't disappointed BUT I couldn't remember much BECAUSE the next Final Fantasy installment was embedded in my head..

Before FFXII, I watched FFVII Advent Children. I must admit this was the most popular FF there is - considering the fact that they did Dirge of Cerberus and even the Turk's game for cellphone.

Advent Children happened after Final Fantasy VII. So the stories are all connected. And everything got me crying >.<

So sorry. I really am a crybaby. I admit that.

Anywho, I swooned over Cloud - my God. He was handsome :O I must admit Hahaha.

Then just a few months ago, Crisis Core (for PSP) was released. WAHAHAHA. I finished it in hours. And true enough, the ending?

I was left sobbing and crying. The hell.

HAHA. :))

Now I understand why Aeris wears Pink all the time with that ribbon on her hair. Waaah. Sigh.

In between Final Fantasies, I've played some RPGs too. But the only thing that stuck inmy mind was SHENMUE, for Sega Dreamcast. LOL. It has a nice story, set in HongKong. And a seemingly real gangster world - with twists of love :D

Anyways, what's the connection of these things to GE?

Well for one, I wanted to play something that is close to reality - unlike Ragnarok's small characters. I want something, err, real. So when I saw GE, I knew it was a game worth trying.

And playing, mind you.

Granado Espada is the same as me connecting with my Final Fantasy love. With the same hunky hunky guys players, RNPCs (I love you, Gavin ^^) with a twist of real friends, it's really a game to play. I mean, a girl like me can easily learn playing MMORPG with this - and yup! It's my first MMORPG. Hehe.

So there! GE for me is like Final Fantasy connected to the Internet. Haha.

I love Final Fantasy, and I know I love GE, as well :)

God bless, GE Gamers & Final Fantasy lovers! :)

Ta ta!



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