A Visit From GM Lorenza

June 20, 2008

It was a boring afternoon as Matthieu, Catherine and I were grinding in Bahama Marshlands (of course, in hopes of getting another level 100 weapon and/or a Snail Skin).


A notice suddenly came up and the GM greeted us and we greeted him/her back.

Woot~~ not all though. I mean, some families were picking on the GM.

Mom, and our family, on the other hand, just laughed it off since we find blaming the GM funny because we know that GMs do not have the power to increase drop rates or EXP rates or something like that. GMs are only there to discipline and monitor - nothing more, nothing less.

So when this stupid IDeaD from Vivaldi began testing the GM's patience, we were laughing because he really looked stupid in all of Vivaldi.

FYI: Mom had an argument with IDeaD some weeks ago regarding our faction. She told her to fix his English before engaging into a heated verbal argument with her. Then POOF! She blocked him. No more PMs :D

Anyway, back to the GM. Here's a job description of a GM AKA Gamemaster from an article in Yehey! News - stated by GMs themselves.

...he serves as an organizer, arbitrator and enforcer of rules, reprimand violators and cheaters of the online gaming community. He does that by using special characters and special abilities like teleporting to players, summoning items and browsing player logs to help them in moderating tasks. Generally, he is the gamers' bestfriend...[in an ideal sense, their roles are essential to the game because they are the ones who maintain the equilibrium]," said Allen, an online gamer.

So there. Take in mind that GMs are not in charge of those damn EXP and drop rates that everyone is ranting about in Vivaldi that day. Zzz. So darn stupe.

Well that afternoon, IDeaD literally tested the GMs patience that a notice went like this:

God. Some people literally are pains on the neck.

But then everybody began saying thanks to [GM] Lorenza and for the buffs that my factionmates and we had to ask what buffs. Zzz. Then that oread said he got the buffs and the GM was so fast and so on...

So Mom broaded.

When we went back to the Marshlands, and suddenly there was fairydust around us and we were shocked to see that we were buffed with Hrin's Touch for 600 Seconds and to see [GM] Lorenza standing next to us. Cuuuuuute!!!

Yeah, I know. Mom was shocked so she forgot to press pots. Zzzz.

Anywho, it was our first time to see a GM in Granado Espada. Teehee. And a fairy, at that :)

Here's a closeup picture taken from http://animedesho.animeblogger.net/?p=2239
Woot~~ cute indeed! :P

Now we know that fairies do exist in Granado Espada ^^v

Enjoy playing, fellow gamers! And please, do keep disciplined already :)



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