Calm Maintenance Day

It's a calm, long and boring maintenance day.

Since GE is down, my sisters and brothers and I are lazying around the house, sleeping and playing with Cath's dolls, or joking with Viki.

So boring.

Anyway, Mommy just received an official match from Europe - now she'll be leaving in 2 months for Czech Republic. An internship for 10 whole months.

So does it mean that our family will be gone in Granado Espada?


Mom might not login that much but we surely will still be in Vivaldi :)

She'll be working so she can spoil us some more. LOL :)

3 hours to go before servers are up - maybe enough time to take a nap.

I have so much stories to tell - about the Poison Yard, the Secret Temple and of course, the Capybara Plantation. It was my first time to be in such Super Fights, and of course, it was a really FUN one :)

I'll blog again some other time when my brothers and sisters are not bugging me.

And when little Viki stops giggling. Along with Tary, our family pet :)

Love, Raven


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