Blue Rings???

July 21, 2008
Around 1AM..

Krz here. I let off my babies rest for a while~ they're probably tired grinding. As you guys all know, we are members of the Aggressor Faction in Vivaldi...and I know I'm not the only rose among the thorns but I was the first to bond with them.

They all became my brothers. Lol.

So this morning, my Faction Leader & good friend, Daemonic, asked me something..which led to one thing to another.

And guess what happened after the conversation. Pft.

Behold Matthieu my Musky in Outrage and Raven my Fighter with Blue rings...


OK, so being an FL for a day (or rather, 18 hours as I type this) had made me think of somethings that should be thought of.

It is a big responsibility. Though I know my little brother Daemonic will still be FL in mind, body and soul, it is our family's name which is at stake and linked with our faction now. People literally stop in Auch to see, who is that with blue rings...PMing me what happened to Dae or sth like that, and of course, being surprised when they learn that I am a girl.

So what if I am a girl..? Doesn't mean I can't be FL.

It's just like back in college..wherein I get to be appointed, assigned or pushed into power by other classmates to lead them, to guide them. I think it is in my natural self to be the eldest sister to everyone ~ and I think it shone through even in GE. Some even call me Auntie Futel. Others call me Ate [big sister]. It's their choice, actually. But yeah. Pak.

Well anywho, I'll return the Faction Leadership to Daemonic, in time.
Let's see what will happen now that a girl tries to run this faction.


Earlier today, VanDidos asked me about the Mission, Vision, Principles & Motto of Aggre. Lol. I laughed. I know she was joking but well, I typed away anyway not minding what I'll type.

VISION: To bring back the former grandeur of Aggressors; to bring honor, dignity & fun to each and every member, and to form real friendships beyond anything else.

MISSION: To rake imba-ness [lolz] and imbue it to every Aggressor; to bring out the best potentials of their every character in every raid, in every battle, in every war; and to form real and loyal friendships in real-life events & occassions

PRINCIPLE: Fun, loyalty & friendship - all rolled into one.

HAHA. Demmit. I can't think of anything more. Oh well.

Here's to a trial of Futel being the Faction Leader ~ with sparkly blue rings.


See you guys in Vivaldi :)

[and i hope you dun eat a girl FL alive *_*]



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