
Showing posts from August, 2009

The Come Back.

After hibernating for 8 months, the Futel family is back. Yes, we are back. Or at least we think we are back. Although there are a lot of things that are new in our world in Granado Espada, particularly that now we are in Bach, our faction is still standing. With one colony. It may seem that our old friends have already quitted - but we're still so touched as we were walking around the City of Auch on Sunday evening when Guailan messaged us. Seems like they do remember us, still. After Mom broaded to wish everybody good luck for the upcoming colony wars, she then PMd her friends, such as badbadtz, LightRaid, Ixal, KungHumirit, Ictus, BodyOfDesire. It was so nice to be back in GE, even for a moment. We're still thinking if we'd really come back. Why? 1.) We're only a family of 4 Experts - the rest are level 100s to Veterans. 2.) Other families are going to Master @___@ 3.) We can get killed with spacebar. 4.) Our equipment isn't strong anymore. So yeah, we are still ...